Building homes and changing lives in Northwest Vermont.

Why Home Matters

Decent homes, brighter futures — this is why home matters.

Why Home Matters graphic, showing health, environmental, financial, social, educational and economic outcomes.

Virtually nowhere in the U.S. can a full-time minimum wage employee afford even a one-room apartment. At Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, we know that a decent home changes everything.

The need for affordable housing is immense, and the lasting impact it can have on families is undeniable. We believe in a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Housing is central to ending the cycle of poverty and can play a key role in positively influencing a family’s education, employment, and health opportunities. A safe, decent, and affordable home offers families and individuals the opportunity to care for themselves and build their futures. Read on to learn more about Why Home Matters.

A family of four smiling in their doorway

What are the benefits of homeownership?

Improving affordable homeownership leads to:

  • Greater economic stability
  • Access to quality education
  • Increased civic and social engagement
  • Better health
  • Reduced environmental footprint

Learn about these outcomes and how Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity is helping families thrive.

Read the full report.

A mother and son smiling in front of their Habitat home

Who has access to homeownership?

There are several barriers to accessing affordable homeownership, and one of them is high demand at lower-priced tiers. Did you know in 2018, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development estimated a need for 2.5 million additional housing units to meet long-term housing demand?

Learn how Habitat is helping to expand housing inventory in Northwest Vermont and beyond.

Read the complete report.

A Habitat family smiling on their porch

How does housing affect health?

Poor housing conditions and the lack of affordable housing are associated with negative health outcomes. Households with a housing cost burden — those spending more than 30% of their income on housing — often face difficult spending decisions and sacrifice purchasing food and health care to afford housing.

Learn more about how housing impacts health and how Habitat helps improve families’ health and well-being.

Read the full evidence brief here.

A sweet girl smiling in the doorway of her Habitat home

How does housing affect children’s education?

Residential instability affects educational outcomes across all stages of childhood. Children from households with low incomes who move more than once in the early elementary years experience negative reading and math achievements that have long-lasting effects.

Habitat helps families by providing stable home environments that raise young children’s math and reading test scores. Find out more.

Habitat family smiling in front of their doorway

How does homeownership contribute to wealth building?

Low-income households and households of color have limited access to homeownership because of barriers such as a limited supply of affordable housing, restricted access to credit, and systemic inequities. For those low-income households and households of color, homeownership can be a catalyst to generational wealth building.

Read the full evidence brief here.

Habitat family smiling in their driveway

How do racial inequities limit homeownership opportunities?

Black and Hispanic/Latino households face unique barriers to homeownership that prevent access to the beneficial outcomes associated with homeownership, such as wealth building, improved health, and higher educational attainment.

Learn how Habitat responds with equitable options for homeowners.

Read the full report.